Seventeen years have flown past. Here I am, living in New Zealand (a small continent off the coast of Antarctica), and living the life of an ambitious student who wishes for nothing more than to learn, live and love. My drive for knowledge is a drug that I run off. There is never a limit to what a human being can know, and unlike actual drugs, it does not harm you- unless of course you are the Government and it all goes to your head. Philosophy fascinates me, it's a subject of infinite possibilities! Pursuing a career in journalism I've taken a break for two years. After finishing an apprenticeship in mechanic's I plan to continue with writing.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
New Lifestyle!
Waiheke Island; beautiful weather, incredible people, superb music, delicious food- an island full of love and peace. Can not believe I am finally living here. Absolutely chuffed.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
The Ten Dimensions
It's been a while since I've been able to position myself in a way to think. I haven't any idea what it is, but it's as though my mind has been lying dormant- a volcano sitting on it's toes, ready to erupt into a shower of heat and fire at any moment.
It was last night that a dear friend came along at a seriously late hour of the day and sent me a youtube link. The video I saw literally blew my mind (hey, here goes the volcano analogy again!) and I couldn't sleep for several long hours afterwards.
The video in question was an annotated ten minute video concerning the Ten Dimensions, imagining them, and attempting to comprehend what is beyond.
I will attempt to describe the ten dimensions as best I can, chances are someone smarter will come along and correct me- if so, I apologise, and then share my thoughts upon the possibility of an eleventh dimension and convey why I didn't get enough sleep last night.
The Zero Dimension is simple. Any matter, or any body within the Zero Dimension is nothing more or less than a point. No height, length, or width. The point has no volume or area and can only be located by a point, e.g - ' . ' In the Zero Dimension there is nothing else, the point is the only thing that exists in this Dimension.
The First Dimension.
Something in the First Dimension can be represented by a straight line. This straight line is fixed also to a north/south position. This means that the line can only be situated between the points north to south, or vice-versa. The line can not move left or right. Like the Zero Dimension, this line has no area or volume and hence can not be drawn -only located.
The Second Dimension
Here is when it gets a little more easy to understand (but don't worry, it falls back towards brain struggle levels shortly).
Something that is drawn on a piece of paper can be used to represent body within the second dimension. It has width and length, therefore can be located however has no mass or volume.
The Third Dimension
Pretty much this is the dimension that I understand the most, like many (thanks to all the cartoons that have been crushed into my brain!). Okay so we already understand that you can not draw a point, or a line, only locate them right? (fantastic to see you're still here). So it is what we draw with- i.e. ink from a pen, or graphite from a pencil, that is the Three Dimensions figure here. The proof for this is as follows,
The ink on the paper obtains all the 3d characteristics- length, width, height, area, volume. The Third Dimension exists over and through infinite planes, no particular one.
Fourth Dimension
This is when it goes strange. I am in all honestly going to sum it up because I haven't got the brain capability to explain in the detail that will do this justice whatsoever (I suggest researching it).
The Fourth Dimension, Time. The problem man kind faces is that where we are as a civilization within a universe as we know it, there is no possible way to apply this Dimension.
Think of yourself as you are at this very moment. Now think of yourself four minutes ago. These two points can be anchors for a Fourth Dimensional line. The line we draw between you, four minutes ago, and you now, is a line in the fourth dimension.
To look at this from a bigger perspective we can imagine what we would look like if we could see our body in the Fourth Dimension. Basically we would be like a, I quote, 'long undulating snake.' Our pre-born self at one end, and our deceased at the other. Being Three Dimensional creatures, we can only perceive Three Dimensions and this is why we do not have the ability to reside within the Fourth Dimension.
Fifth Dimension
Imagine a piece of paper that has been wrapped into a tube. Imagine this piece of paper represents time. If you were to run along a line that is drawn within the tube (representing a full circle, no end, no beginning) you would run until you reached the beginning again, however would not feel as though anytime had passed. We have just folded the fourth dimension through the fifth. So what if we could travel backwards to visit ourselves years previously? The Fifth Dimension gives us a hypothetical explanation for that. (research!)
The Sixth Dimension.
(as I understand) consists of length, width and height over a distance in infinite repetition going out in every direction from itself. Imagine the Big Bang (where you believe it as fact or fiction) and then imagine all possibilities for the opposite end of the Big Bang, our Universe's end. Treat all these ideas as a single point. So all these possible timelines are equal to infinity. However if a line is going to be drawn then surely we need another point? But what is more than infinity? Well thankfully there can be many more separate infinities! These are most likely created through different circumstances, different from our own Big Bang. Hence different Universes, different infinities.
The line drawing those infinities together is a line within the Seventh Dimension.
To make things even more exiting, we could draw another line (remember these lines are hypothetical) towards a third infinity. Welcome to the Eighth Dimension guys.
The Fifth Dimension showed us that we can enter a different dimension by folding a line into a second (this was demonstrated with the tube example). Infinity B and C are connected to one point, Infinity A.
These are our infinities.
Now what if we grabbed the B ∞ line and bent it towards the C ∞ line, close enough so that you and I- who are standing on the tip of the B ∞ line- could jump quickly over to the C ∞ line instantaneously. We have now reached the Ninth Dimension.
For the Tenth Dimension we have to imagine not only the B and C options but all possible timelines, infinities, and universes and then treat those infinite possibilities as a point itself.
This is where the problem occurs. If we were to imagine the Tenth Dimension as something that is part of the cycle of dimensions which has this far continued onwards, we need a second point to join the first to. But we've already used all possibilities. Already have we thought of all timelines, all infinities, and all universes. What is left? It seems that there is nothing.
This leads onto the String Theory which is fascinating but not entirely relevant.
So there are the Ten Dimensions. Hopefully now you understand why I didn't get enough sleep now, and also hopefully that will excuse my poor job of explaining these dimensions. I was at such a loss as to how to explain to myself what is past the Tenth Dimension, and whether the Dimensions past the Third Dimension will ever be smelt, heard, touched, seen, witnessed by a Human Being. Perhaps though we are experiencing them as we speak. Perhaps we are just blind, blind to the infinite and extraordinary possibilities surrounding us.
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